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Bring the kids out and become a kid again yourself on this amazing Canyon Aerial Course complex located in the Lost Canyon near Salida Colorado. Sitting atop 60 foot poles, there are 9 different courses ranging from yellow (easy) to double black (extreme) using 120 interconnected “challenge elements.” Start easy and work your way up!

Each guest will be fitted with gear and given instruction prior to entering the Canyon Aerial Challenge course. Participants are secured throughout their experience to the life safety systems using the Bornack Smart Safe Belay (SSB) lanyard system which prevents participants from detaching from the system during transfers from one element to the next while providing participants the freedom to choose their route and move at their own pace.

Our partner company is located approximately 30 minutes from our outpost.

Quick Info

  • Price $125+ per person
  • Duration 2.5 Hours
  • Class Beg - Int
  • Minimum Age 50 lbs - 250 lbs Max
  • Trip Times 9 am, 12 pm, 3pm
  • Location Leadville, CO
  • Trip Season May 15th – September

Trip Includes


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